Goats cheese, red onion jelly, crisp parmesan cheese and arugla

Pulled lamb shoulder, rolled in flour, egg, and bread crumbs

Shrimp, mango, scallop and salmon

Goats cheese, red onion jelly, crisp parmesan cheese and arugla
Pictures from my first and second years of Culinary Management at Canadore college. Ranging from lunch service, to garde manger, to night time dining at 100 Elements.
A good way to start the meal
Because just appetizers aren't enough
Skills Canada Grade 11
Review from one of my Chef's Tables at Canadore College.

About Me
I got into cooking when I was younger. It all started with helping my grandma bake desserts. I was signed up for foods class in grade 9, but dropped it because I told my guidance counsellor that it wasn't something I wanted to do with my life. When grade 11 came around, I decided that cooking was a career I wanted to pursue thanks to the help of the grade 10 careers class. So I applied to three different culinary colleges, and when I was accepted to every program I applied for, I chose Culinary Management at Canadore College. Now being graduated, currently I am at Farina Ristorante, a hidden gem as people call it located inside the Best Western in North Bay, Ontario.